Home > MESSAGING > Service Application
Please complete the form below and submit it by clicking the [Submit].
It may take about one day to open your own Shipping21 website.
(*) must necessarily be filled out in this form.
* Preferred Directory Name http://www.shipping21.com/
* Administrator¡¯s ID
* Administrator¡¯s Password
* Confirm Password
* Administrator¡¯s Name
* Department
* Administrator¡¯s E-mail Address
* Company Name
* Postal Code -
* Address
* Telephone
* Fax
* Person in charge of billing (Invoice will be sent to the person.)
  We apply for Internet Telex number. (SMS service Available)
* Telex Number
* ANSWER BACK (Note: Use fewer than 5 characters)
* E-mail for receiving telex
  (Note: If you want to add one more e-mail address, please separate by pressing ¡°Enter¡± key.)